For Authors

Authenticity Studies. International Journal of Archaeology and Art is an international and independent journal based on a peer review system and dedicated to studying the methods of attribution and authentication of archaeological and art-historical artefacts.

Founded by Monica Salvadori (Editor in Chief), Federica Toniolo, Andrea Tomezzoli, Marta Nezzo, Monica Baggio and Luca Zamparo, Authenticity Studies. International Journal of Archeology and Art is a journal of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padova and is published by Padova University Press.

Authenticity Studies. International Journal of Archaeology and Art considers all articles on the strict condition that:

  1. the article has not been published before (this includes publication in different languages);
  2. the article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
  3. all co-Authors have approved the article;
  4. the article represents the Authors’ original work;
  5. the Author is free from any conflict of interest;
  6. the Author assumes full responsibility for the contents presented in the submitted paper;
  7. the Author assumes complete responsibility for the dissemination of photographic and illustrative material present in their work;
  8. the Author transfers the printing and digital distribution rights of their work to Authenticity Studies;
  9. the Author accepts the Code of Ethics in all its parts.

Before submitting your article, please ensure you carefully read and adhere to all the guidelines and manuscript styles to the authors provided below. The Author’s responsibility is to ensure that their manuscript is well-written and that the facts, grammar, use of punctuation, and spelling are accurate. The author’s responsibility is to ensure that ideas and sources are cited appropriately and accurately.

Authors must facilitate anonymity.

Manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned.

All manuscripts must be submitted online (

Publication in Authenticity Studies is free of charge.

Download Guidelines for paper submission (PDF)

General Guidelines

Manuscript style

Formats for the text and tables of your manuscript are: doc, docx.

Any supplementary files should be in Microsoft Word Format. PDFs are not acceptable. Articles failing to conform to the editorial norms may not be considered for publication.


Articles should be compiled in the following order: title page; author(s); abstract; keywords; main text (number of tables and figures cited in the article); acknowledgement; references; appendices.

Please DO NOT write your name inside the text, as the Author(s) must remain anonymous to the referees (articles are read at least by two referees).

Latin and foreign words must be italicized.
We prefer not abbreviated words, except some standard abbreviations (N.B., Etc., e.g., i.e., Id., Ead., ibid.).
Dates must be given in day/month/year.
Quotations must be within quotation marks, in roman.
Decimal numbers must be expressed separated by a comma. The unit of measurement must be separated from the number by a space (i.e. 1,5 km; 4x8,3 cm).
Definitions and quotations must be quoted with inverted commas (“Inverted Commas”).


Articles can be in English, Italian, German, French or Spanish.
If the text is written in a language other than English, the title, abstract, and keywords must always be presented in two languages. Texts written in a language other than the mother tongue must be revised by a professional translator/interpreter or a native speaker.
In case of a language different from the aforementioned, Authors should contact the Editorial Board before submission.
Writing should be concise and correct. Remember that it is essential to follow the language’s grammar rules chosen to draft the text.


Essays should not exceed 60.000 characters (all included) and 20 figures.
Short news should not exceed 40.000 characters (all included) and 10 figures.
Reports should not exceed 10.000 characters (all included) and 3 figures.

The title page should include:

  1. a concise and informative title;
  2. complete contact information for all authors (Name, affiliation, email address);
  3. abstract (max 300 words);
  4. keywords (max 5), separated by commas.

The corresponding author, handling the correspondence with the Editorial Board, should be indicated.

Abstract (in English or bilingual) should be a summary of the article and not an introduction.
If the paper is written in English, the abstract can only be in English. However, if the text is written in a language other than English, the abstract must be written both in the language of the text and in English. The maximum length of the abstract is 300 words.

Tables, figures and illustrations

The purpose of tables and figures is to present data to the reader clearly and unambiguously. The author(s) should not describe the data in the text in such detail that illustration or text is redundant. Maps and plans must include scale and north point.
All images (photographs, diagrams, …) will be named as figures and numbered in Arabic numerals. The captions should follow the examples below.

Reference to figure in the text (fig. 1) / (figs. 1-4) / (figs. 1, 5) / (fig. 1a) / (figs. 2a-d)
Figure caption Fig. 1. Diffusion of Gnathia pottery in southern Italy.
Figure caption and references Fig. 1. Munich, Archaeological Museum inv. 3296 (819). Volute-krater with Amazonomachy (from Moret 1975, pl. 66).
Figure captions of works of art Fig. 1. Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Tiziano, La Trinità.
Figure captions of drawings Fig. 1. Parigi, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques (inv. 712r). Michelangelo, Studio di nudo maschile.
Figure captions of manuscripts Fig. 1. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 48.8, Cicerone, Orazioni: Ricciardo di ser Nanni, frontespizio col Ritratto dell’autore, f. 1r.

Authors are requested to provide separate high-resolution illustrations in TIFF, JPEG (or eventually PNG, PDF) format. Resolutions must be 300 dpi or higher, and the maximum acceptable weight is 20 Mb.

Image credits should be indicated at the end of the caption.

Authors are responsible for obtaining the permissions to reproduce illustrations they do not own copyright. Authenticity Studies is not responsible for managing the images, which is the sole responsibility of the Author(s) of the papers.


Eventual acknowledgements must be written at the end of the text.


The endnotes must be contained and strictly connected with the content of the text.
They should be numbered consecutively and cited in the article.
References are accepted only in text.
Please do not abbreviate the page number such as “f.” or “ff.” but indicate the exact pages range with the abbreviation “p.” (for a single page) and “pp.” two pages or more (i.e. pp. 335-360).
Please, for the structure of the references, follow the examples below.


Single author (Zeri 2011, pp. 121-135)
Two authors (Ottani Cavina, Natale 2017)
Three or more authors (Baggio et alii 2019, p. 260)
More than one work by the same author (Calcani 2006, 2018)
More than one work by the same author and the same year (Salvadori 2007a, 2007b)
More than one work by different authors (Terranato 2009; Volpe 2020)
More than one work by one author and different authors (Toniolo 2001, 2009; Preto 2020)
Personal communication pers. comm.

Greek and Latin Authors:
see Thesaurus Linguae Latinae and Greek-English Lexicon by H. G. Liddell and R. Scott.

  • e.g. Ov. met. 2, 341-346
  • e.g. Hom. Il. 20, 230-235
  • e.g. Gloss. V, 659

Epigraphy Corpora:
see Supplementa Italica.

  • e.g. CIL X, 2352

Institution’s abbreviations should be spelt out.

  • e.g. BMV, Mss. Lat. XVI.21 (=4553), c. 63 for Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Mss. Lat. XVI.21 (=4553), c. 63

Reference list

A reference list contains only references that are cited in the text.
Its accuracy and completeness are the responsibility of the Author(s).
The text should be followed by a list of references in alphabetical order and listed in chronological order for the same Author’s work.

Some special cases:

Exhibition Catalogue / Catalogo della Mostra / Catalogue d’Exposition / Ausstellungskatalog / Tentoonstelling Catalogus Original language
(ed./eds.) / (a cura di) / (éd.) / (hg. von) Original language
Proceedings of / Atti del / Actes de (du) / Tagungsband der Original language
Roma / London / Paris Original language
S. / p. (pp.) Original language


Monograph Zanker P. 1989, Augusto e il potere delle immagini, Torino.
Journal paper

Scagliarini Corlaita D. 1974-1976, Spazio e decorazione nella pittura pompeiana, “Palladio”, 26, pp. 3-44.

Ferretti M. 2009, Il contributo dei falsari alla storia dell’arte, “Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa”, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, 5 (1, 1), pp. 189-226.

Later editions Manzoni A. [1840] 2014, I promessi sposi, Milano.
Chapter by another author in a book or contributions in edited book Giannotti G.F. 1991, Letteratura e spettacoli teatrali in età imperiale, in Verzár-Bass M. (a cura di), Il teatro romano di Trieste, Roma, pp. 284-329.
Edited collection Barone P.M., Groen W. J. M. (eds.) 2018, Multidisciplinary Approaches to Forensic Archaeology, Berlin.
Further references to edited collections already cited Barone P.M., Not Just Body and Decomposition: Forensic Archaeology Preventing Antiquity Crimes, in Barone, Groen 2018, pp. 219-230.
Series volume

Spilling H. 1982, Das Fuldär Skriptorium zur Zeit der Hrabanus Maurus, in Kottje, R., Zimmermann H. (hg. von), Hrabanus Maurus, Lehrer, Abt und Bischof, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Abhandlungen der Geistesund Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Einzelveröffentlichung, 4, Wiesbaden, S. 165-181.

Online publications Mannoni T., Archeologia ed archeometria, in Brogiolo G.P. (a cura di), II Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale (Brescia, 28 settembre - 1 ottobre 2000). Available at: (accessed 5 March 2010).
Complex repertories

Handschriften von St. Vitus 1998 = Bucherbesitz des Klosters St. Vitus in Gladbach. Von der Grundung bis zur Auflösung des Klosters (974-1802), vol. 1.1, Die Handschriften von St. Vitus. Textband, Kottje R., Wermter E. M. (hg. von); vol. 1.2, Die Handschriften von St. Vitus. Abbildungsband, Weber K. (hg. von), Köln.

Reported as:

Kottje R., Wermter E. M., Weber K. (hg. von) 1998, Bucherbesitz des Klosters St. Vitus in Gladbach. Von der Grundung bis zur Auflösung des Klosters (974-1802), I, Die Handschriften von St. Vitus, 2 voll., Koln.

Unpublished dissertation Zumerle D. 2018-2019, Il carro pseudo-etrusco della Collezione Marchetti. L’autenticazione nel segno del falsario, Tesi di Laurea in Archeologia Classica (rel. prof. M. Salvadori; correl. dott. M. Baggio, dott. L. Zamparo), Università degli Studi di Padova, a.a. 2018-2019.
In press Salvadori M., Baggio M., Zamparo L. in press, The Anthropology of Forgery: New Themes for the Contemporary Archaeologist, “Studies in Conservation”, in press.
Catalogues of auction houses Sotheby 1862 = Catalogue de la partie réservée et la plus précieuse de la Collection Libri, Catalogue de Vente (Londre, Sotheby and Wilkinson, 25 juillet 1862), London.
Proceedings Dall’Olio L. 1997, La tradizione iconografica dei paesaggi portuali, in Scagliarini Corlaita D. (a cura di), I temi figurativi nella pittura parietale antica (IV sec. a.C.-IV sec. d.C.), Atti del VI Convegno Internazionale sulla Pittura Parietale Antica (Bologna, 20-23 settembre 1995), Imola, pp. 197-198.
Dictionaries Giacardi L. 2005, voce Libri, Guglielmo, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 65, Roma, pp. 60-64.

L’art d’imiter 1997 = L’art d’imiter. Images de la Renaissance italienne au Musée d’art et d’histoire: Falsifications, manipulations, pastiches, Catalogue d’Exposition (Genève, Musée d’art et d’histoire, 14 march- 28 septembre 1997), Natale M., Ritschard C. (eds.), Genéve.

Bonamici M. 2003, I bronzi del Santuario di Sillene a Chianciano Terme, in Acqua degli dei 2003, pp. 45-55.


Acqua degli dei 2003 = L’acqua degli dei. Immagini di fontane, vasellame, culti salutari e in grotta, Catalogo della Mostra (Chianciano Terme, Museo Civico Archeologico “delle Acque”, 1 gennaio – 31 dicembre 2003), Paolucci G. (a cura di), Montepulciano.

Cosmè Tura e Francesco del Cossa 2007 = Cosmè Tura e Francesco del Cossa. L’arte a Ferrara nell’età di Borso d’Este, Catalogo della Mostra (Ferrara, Palazzo dei Diamanti - Palazzo Schifanoia, 23 settembre 2007 - 6 gennaio 2008), Natale M. (a cura di), pp. 250-251, n. 38 (S. Fumian).

Checklist for preparing submissions

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments in the editor).
  2. The sent file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format.
  3. Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  4. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the General Guidelines.
  5. If sent to a peer-reviewed section of the Journal (Essays, short news, reports), the instructions to ensure an anonymous evaluation should be followed.
  6. All images must be sent separately from the text file: they must be of good quality and correctly described with a caption (the individual Author must have already verified any publication rights).